Saturday, November 14, 2009


Time can not move eternally, it is a faceless unit, measured for convenience. When it is in the hands of worthy people it turns precious but when it is handed over to senseless widows it transforms as a low end sting unit which pierce through hearts and minds endlessly. Such widows in pink u- garments sell their integrity to their western customers over a cup of flavorless tea. Such human beings sell their own country for a price, spreads gossips, capitalize on others miseries, sell other human beings stories and make a fortune. No shame for them as they assume they are right as they got already a platform to display their pink u garments or dirty shoes. And civilization, one should learn from such groups who sting, rape and chase others in crude missions. For them moon is a mistress of night and they don't mind getting it back a verse "that sun goes behind mistresses as his wife is sick". And it is true that Lucifer affected minds can turn a normal human into a psycho and it is difficult for normal humans to come out of the traps of a Lucifer. It is always advisable for normal human beings to avoid the black spots of Lucifer and the roads Lucifer prefers to travel. Civilization is not a measure of time to victimize on scales. If you want to learn civilization and wisdom t you don't need a time measure or a wheel, you can learn it from your own life and people around.

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