Thursday, April 1, 2010


This is an Era of speed messaging. SMS. I keep receiving SMS.s from one number 9844198446, one brand idea. Their messages interrupt my  silent mornings, peaceful evenings and all in all they arrive in different wavelengths; in mornings a message on music, after noon about hot and spicy jokes and about IPL in the evening. If the content of message is an awkward outdated joke you feel like asking the message centre what exactly your problem, are you gone or crazy or mad. It is true a pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity an optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty. Messages can be friendly or it can be for attacking some one. If you expect respect you should give that first. You can not call some one a whore or ugly and expect them to respect you. You know rape is a crime but a powerful cop with his power and influence escaped  from punishment for more than 19 years. One girl alone fought against the mighty system. She fought it all alone to prove that he should not rape one more woman. With power of might he would have ventured in to the same game of crime again and again if she would not have fought. She must have suffered a lot and injured her soul and heart and even many would have laughed at her misadventure. Jesus is gone to cross in silence. Not attacking or humiliating the people around him. He surrendered to the Lord who watches everything from above. When you read bible you should understand it and when you act against it you just turn as mere reader. Narayan Murthy in his book quotes that he ventured not for a company with more wealth; he ventured for  respectable firm. You will not get respect by rape or sting or by justifying all that as righteousness. You will not receive honour by hiring people to spread  malignant propoaganda to degrade others.I don’t think Jesus will come down from his holy cross and endorse or support such actions or statements.

I hope people understand the real meaning of Good Friday. 

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