Thursday, March 18, 2010

Vivekanada - I respect his fearless value oriented Philosophy

I have seen newspapers allot a quarter of an inch from their mega news print matters to philosophical quotes. I have read a few like you should be honest and sincere. When insincere people publish such flukes it is better to tell them straight on their face you cheat. But speaking in public is an art, when some one calls you ugly and gives you a lecture on how to behave in public you laugh I know. May be a few in anger slaps you and if you are willing for it keep doing that art. But epics are played only once, it is true you can not repeat it. You play it only once, Incarnations of God is to safeguard this Earth and you find no place in this earth to play history again and again or to repeat epics. In your golden triangle, who played the deliberate game to dethrone a crown is not important but whom you victimised for that, who robbed the most, these questions arise when you repeat the circulations for the second edition.  A beggar is of course a better human being than a robber. Great sages used to beg for their living but they never considered it as an inhuman act. But robbery is a criminal offense of all ages. And philosophy of the universe is such that you can not squeeze it  in one capsule through the quarter of an inch of one insincere mind or your world wide circulations...

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